E3S 690 > 보안검색 장비

Business Area 사업분야

보안검색 장비

Explosive Detection System 3D
E3S 690

Stationary Sparse 9-View 3D X-Ray Scanning System


수하물용 고정형 3D CT 검색장비

E3S- Stationary 9-view 3D X-ray Screening System 


- 유럽 ECAC EDSCB C3 기준 만족

   . Scan Speed 0.2m/s (Best in class)

   . Low Noise Level, Zero Vibration

   . Cost-effective & Low-maintenance

   . 2D View & 3D Image Reconstruction

   . ECAS (Enhanced Computer Aided Scanning)

- ECAC/EU EDSCB C3 Approved

- 2D view & 3D Image Reconstruction

- ECAC (Enhanced Computer Aided Scanning)

- TIP (Threat Image Projection)

- Supports various interaction modules

- Container Auto Feeder / Barcodes Reader Interoperate

- Using Al to improve image quality and automatically tracks hazardous substances

- The Al recognizes the hazardous materials and alerts in the system

- Anticipate what is recognized and shows on the screen with appropriate image filters

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